Everyone eats differently and has a different relationship with foods but if the way you eat or do not eat is taking over your life, you could have an eating problem.

It is not unusual for eating habits to change slightly, one day you might feel really hungry and another day not so much. But if these changes are drastic like you’re focusing a lot on controlling what and how much you are eating or if you make yourself sick after eating these are signs you might have a problem.

It can be different for everyone, here are some of troubling eating behaviours you might be experiencing when it comes to food:

  • Making yourself sick after eating

  • Loosing your appetite/feeling nauseas around food

  • Dramatic weight loss or gain

  • Eating when not hungry

  • Feeling you need to be secretive about eating

  • Stick to a rigid set of diet rules

  • Check and weigh your body often

  • Feeling very anxious about having to eat/digest food

  • Excessively exercise to keep weight off after eating

  • Obsessive about your body and the effect food has on it

  • Avoiding socialising when you think food will be involved.

The link below will provide you with the resources to help you manage if you are starting to suffer from an eating disorder or please get in contact with us so we can find the best way to help you through this.