Self-esteem is how we perceive ourselves. Self-esteem can be referred to as how much you appreciate and like yourself, this can be determined by different factors e.g. feelings of competence, self-confidence, identity.

People with lower self-esteem tend to feel less secure in their abilities and may trust their decisions less. They also might find it hard to try new things because they doubt that they are capable. Having low self-esteem can also affect

their relationships in terms of trust and security and also in the sense of them not being able to express their needs.

Sometimes trying new things, meeting new people, and participating in things in the world that are important to us can improve our self-esteem

Your self-esteem can affect whether you:

  • Are able to make decisions/make yourself heard

  • Love yourself for who you are

  • Value yourself as a person

  • Are able to recognise and celebrate your strengths

  • Believe in yourself

  • Move past your mistakes

  • Try new things

The link below will provide you with the resources to help you manage if you are struggling with problems related to your self-esteem or please get in contact with us so we can find the best way to help you through this.